Arvid Buit
Leadership expert & Master Executive Coach
Arvid Buit is recognized as one of the top executive coaches in the world. Being the only triple recognized master-coach (ICF/EMCC/NOBCO/Marshall Goldsmith), he studied the leadership brain and personality complexities. Within his field, he teams up with the best psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts. As a member of dozens of executive committees, he’s a popular keynote speaker on leadership- and corporate events. Besides hundreds of articles, columns and papers, he wrote two books:. Wahlberg – Het verhaal van een CEO (Thema 2015) and Red de Alfawolf (Boom 2018). For International contracts he is part of the Marshall Goldsmith SCC Network.

About Arvid Buit
Clients often use the same words to describe Arvid. Direct, stubborn, honest, determined, funny, sometimes tough as nails, spirited and intelligent. These are words from actual client evaluations and reviews. But who is the person behind these words? Arvid was born in 1984, in a small town called Wijnjewoude in Friesland, a province situated in the north of the Netherlands. His dad was studying to become a general practitioner. It soon became clear that Arvid was exceptionally clever and creative, but also exceptionally lazy. Although he was bumped up two classes in primary school, teachers at the village primary school rejected him. Arvid felt totally misunderstood. During this time he studied classical piano at the conservatoire of The Hague. A gifted child that didn’t fit in anywhere, but luckily had a safe harbour at home to develop in peace. School didn’t get the deserved attention, but what caught his interest straight away was the producing side of theatre. At almost every school play, Arvid supplied the audiovisuals. That is how he rolled into his first job as a light designer. Soon he was a much requested producer and several artists wanted Arvid as their manager. He toured the world to accompany gigs and shows of artists such as the Black Eyed Peas, Hans Klok and Holiday on Ice. As manager (and coach) he guided talented people on their way to the top. Arvid’s search for happiness seemed endless. There was always something else, something better. Until it grinded to a halt.
New career path
After a complete burnout, panic attacks, fear, unrest, insomnia and dejection, the pain and urgency drove Arvid to start with some self-reflection. This made him realise that there were many patterns in his behaviour that just didn’t add up, until he started a course in leadership, power, narcissism, inspiration and coaching. In 2009 Arvid started a completely new career as an executive coach, in which he guided CxOs in their personal development and issues. The international coaching community accredited him as a master coach (ICF/EMCC/NOBCO/Marshall Goldsmith) and several media acknowledged him as an expert in the field of leadership. He was invited in many radio programs, and wrote several articles and two books: Wahlberg – the Story of a CEO (Thema, 2015) and Save the Alpha Wolf (Boom, 2018, in association with top psychologist Martin Appelo).
What may you expect?
Clients are always welcome at Arvid’s office or at his kitchen table in Drachten (Friesland). He enjoys receiving people in a personal setting, away from their corporate identity and frills. Arvid also visits his clients at their companies. In principle you can always call on him. We don’t work with hourly tariffs and planned appointments, but with a set goal and measurable results. This way Arvid stands next to the CxOs he works with, which allows for a pleasant work relationship. A critical friendship, if you wish. His honesty and directness are showing in his podcasts and articles. Regardless, every client will testify that Arvid has a loving and emphatic approach, which takes your own personality into consideration. Unconditional acceptation is the base of all cooperation.